Marines of 2nd Platoon, Mike Company, 3rd
Battalion, 7th Marines Regiment, First Marine Division killed in defense of Hill 25 on 2 November 1967.
Willet Rankin Amendola, Cpl
Glen Douglas Bates, L/Cpl
Patrick John Dearborn, L/Cpl
James Gard Edinger, PFC
Stephano James Fiducioso, Pvt
Davis Allen Jones, L/Cpl
Gerald Kropidlowski, L/Cpl
Robert Everett Moore, PFC
Dana Allen Pitts, L/Cpl
David Howard Shoemaker, Sgt
Marines from 2nd Platoon, Mike Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th
Marines Regiment, First Marine Division wounded in action/evacuated to1st Med Bn in DaNang.
Ahbate, Gary W. L/Cpl Chambers, Karl H. PFC Davis, Darrell L.
PFC James, Don H. L/Cpl Jones, Lewis Cpl Lesniak, Dennis M. Cpl Lusk, Wayne E. L/Cpl Lust,
Richard W. L/Cpl Rock, Waldron C. Pvt
Three that were lost. Davis on the left, Glen Douglas Bates in the middle and Willet Rankin Amendola on the right. Glen
"Tex" Bates received the Bronze Star for his service in the mortar pit that night. "Will" Amendola
received the Navy Cross for his courageous defense of the mortar.
Marines from 2nd Platoon, Mike Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines
Regiment, First Marine Division wounded in action/not evacuated.
Kiener, David M. LCpl Memel, Joseph A. LCpl Orlando, Frank Pfc Patterson,
Johnny H. Jr. Cpl Pierce, Richard W. Cpl Powell, George D. LCpl Regallo, Gary F. LCpl