Sister Bonnie: "I will always miss the sweetness and gentleness that Davis embodied. I will be forever
grateful to Rich for being able to come to us to let us know that Davis was loved and respected by his comrades.
But, I will never get over the fact that Davis never even got to vote for the politicians that sent him to Vietnam to
be killed." - Bonnie Jones [December 4, 2001]

This photograph is of the Jones family around 1962. |

Davis was proud of his decorations. There are more, but these are the ones that he received in life. |
Sister Sue:
"Davis, we hardly knew you.
Memories of the
funeral: At the cemetery we had the service in the mausoleum. I remember Russ Sword breaking down when he was presenting
the flag to Mom, and Mom saying 'Go on, Russ.'
Still missed after all these years.
I want to thank again Richard
Pierce and Doc Hanmore for coming forward. Hoping to hear from others."
-Susanne Jones Rollins [January 14, 2002]
Sister Angela:
"I remember first becoming aware of what 'twins' were. I asked 'How do you feed
two babies at one time?' and was told you put one baby on each side of you on the bed, and hold the bottles at the same time
and feed the babies--I was amazed. That's when I became aware I was special because I had twin brothers. As I got older I
became aware of what a pain that could be, too!
I remember a time at our Grandfather's house. Grandaddy had a bull and ditches
that we called gullies. We were always told 'Don't tease the bull, and stay out of the gullies!' Of course (being younger
and smaller) David was the adventurer and Davis (being the peacemaker) always saved my hide. No one would know so we went
into the gully. The bigger boys climbed out, but I couldn't make it. David was hollering 'I'm gonna tell!' while Davis was
helping me out. Remember that big brother? I sure do! Remember teasing the bull? I couldn't run as fast as you all. Davis
or Tim yanked me out of the way just in time! I was scared to death, and that's when I thought I'm not so lucky to have big
brothers, twins or not, except Davis.
I remember becoming aware that they looked alike, but were two different people.
David was funny and would get me in trouble. Davis was quiet and would save my rear end. He was also clumsier-like the time
they were cutting wood. David had the ax and Davis was holding the wood. David missed the wood and got Davis' toe! Also the
memory of playing in the house running and swinging. Davis jumped on the couch and put his arm through the window in the front
I remember a time in high school, myself a freshman, and they were seniors. We
were changing classes, and I came up on Davis. He was fixing to go into David's next class, and David was going into Davis'
class for that period! I looked at Davis and he put his finger to his mouth-like be quiet! After school, I asked what they
were doing? He said we like different classes and do better in those classes, so we switched! The teachers never knew!
I remember David being home on 30-day leave. It was Sunday and David wore his
dress blues to church. Mom and all 8 of us kids in the station wagon left church to go to the bus station to pick up Davis!
David went into get him. People were turning around-we turned around and all of us, Mom included, did a double take because
at that moment I could not tell you who was who. Watching two Marines dressed in military dress blues, our twin brothers,
identical-it was unbelievable-two together!
I know these memories of mine are about my life of Davis, but for me I can't separate
the twins. That was just the way it was for me, as far back as I can remember. The twins our birth mother gave me were my
twin brothers together. Then our adopted mother gave me, as teenagers and young adults, the twin brothers together. The time
we all had to separate the twins was unbelivably hard and painful, even now. I am glad to know that some special men were
his friends and made the last 10 months of his life bearable. I thank you for sharing that with us. Now you know he had other
sisters and brothers who have lots of memories of Davis, our oldest, kind twin brother of David."
- Angela Jones Daves [February 21, 2002]