Dear Bonnie,
Just got your letter, was so glad to hear from you.
The first thing I want to ask you is some advice. I've been here 6 months now and I'm thinking of extending for a 6 month
tour. In other words, I'd be over here for 19 months, but after being over here 10 months, I can get a 30 day leave to get
home for extending; in other words, I could come home , say about Dec. 20 and get 30 days leave and then come back over here
for the rest of my tour.

[p. 3]
We just got some real good news, we may be staying on
this hill indefinitely, that would be real good. I haven't heard from David in about 2 months, I don't know where he is, do
you have any idea? The picture was real good, now I wish I had a picture of the family. Chris has been writing to me, what
do you think of that? I'm going on R&R to Hawaii maybe next month. Oh yes, I'm starting to comb my hair a

[p. 5]
Tell Angie to write, and tell Terry to watch for B.B.M. [Big Bad Marine] > namely me seeing
you sometime. Oh yes, tell Tim that his older brother said hello, and I'll be writing to him some time in the near future.
We shall have a swinging time come about Christmas (maybe) if not then, then in March we'll have a time. Well I want you to
treat Gary good, and be good to the kids and write real soon. Bye now. Love, Davis Lance - Babe
Corporal - Type S_ _ H_ _[?]

[written on back of envelope]
"Viet Nam a Go Go"